A. I think that people who feel they have the right to deny someone the right to be happy based only on the fact that what makes said person happy is something they don't agree with are ASShats. It doesn't affect your life one bit if people of the same sex can marry. What do you care if people want to buy clove cigarettes as opposed to regular cigarettes. How are you really affected when I order an entire pitcher of beer with no one else to share it with!
B. If you are an idiot driver 99% of you are. You should be forced to crawl every where you need to go. There's a reason the turn signal is on the steering colum so you can flip it up or down with one hand. If I'm going the speed limit and you use the turn lane to pass me going 15 over (45mph) you better be prepared for an ear full of horn and a stern talking too. Signal for 3 seconds before; turning, changing lanes, merging, and pulling away from the curb.
B1. I laugh every time I see someone pulled over.
C. If you run from the cops or don't obey a direct order lethal force should be used.
D. The United States has the MOST expensive health care system in the entire world.
D1. We rank 37th in quality of care.....
E. I hope you have a good day and don't forget to signal :)