Well it's been a while since I've posted a blog. Christmas was a blast and Max can't wait for next year. A whole new room of toys and every Black and Decker toy tool imaginable including a recipro saw (thank you Mason I don't even own a real one). One funny anecdote Christmas Eve I asked Max to put the plate of cookies out for Santa, he walked over to the dinner table the called over, "Where does he sit?"!! Over the holidays we got Layla's room painted when I say we, I mean I got it painted while Steph kept Max distracted, although he did help roll a bit. Is it bad that while I was painting I kept thinking to myself "Damn you are a good painter, taping is for amateurs!"?
New years was a lot of fun because we didn't plan anything at all. I've found that if you plan too much New Years Eve just finds a way to let you down.
We all know what happened the day after the holiday at the Sugar Bowl so no need to go into that. Suffice it to say there was a lot of screaming, yelling, chest bumping and tom foolery.
Back to work now with nothing major happening other than some Birthdays and a couple holidays. The Super Bowl is a mere fort night away so that should be a lot of fun as usual.
"Hot potato is a very different game when the players are starving. Then it's more like 'My Potato.' I've got burned fingertips, but I don't give a damn: FREE POTATO!"
-- Demetri Martin