Ok, so Maude has inspired me to start a Blog
I figure I can keep you all up to date with Pictures, life etc.
Steph hasn't seen this yet but I imagine she will contribute as well.
Ok, well one week to Sun Valley and a real vacation, which will be nice. I don't consider running all over Manhattan Island doing wedding stuff for 2 days a vacation. You might but I don't. I'm really looking forward to a 6 hour car ride with a 2 year old. Let's pray to god we can keep him entertained, and I don't go all Happening (if you haven't seen the movie you won't get it.)
The thought of more golf and swimming will keep us sane on the way there I hope.
Life is here, Steph is in school most nights it seems, Max wants to do anything he's not supposed to and shoot hoops or hit golf balls.
Drivers in this state Blow. It's the little nob that sticks out of the left side of your steering column, (some people call it a signal) don't use it and I'll honk and call you an A$$hat!
Don't travel in the left lane or right lane for that matter, those lanes are used for passing and entering and exiting the freeway. If you are driving in one of those lanes, MOVE, thanks!
If you speed down 800E or on my street and your car gets hit by a rock, it's your OWN DAMN FAULT!! Don't come whining to me about it, even if you think I threw it. We can call the cops I'll win.
Lastly, I'll leave you with a thought from Demetri Martin.
"I'm afraid of sharks. But only in a water situation, if I saw a shark on the street I'd be like what?
F*$# You!
It's like the opposite of how I am with lions."
YES! Way to jump on the blogging train! It is a great way to kill time at work. It's also awesome because now I get to know you guys a little better than before. Demetri Martin kicks ass. I love you brother.
Yeh! more family blogs! I love it! Thanks again for dinner on Sunday - it was great! Yes, I definately use exclamation points liberally.
I'm just going to come here every day to listen to Men at Work.
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