after what seems like a month of go, gO, gO! i'd like to take a weekend and just sit around the house, Maybe rent a movie and fertilize the lawn, throw some salt in the water softener and fix a couPle sprinklers. Sounds like a bArrel fulL of fun right? that's because i'm Officially Old.
we need to get up to the lake and caMPing, but Are really looking forward to the beach in a few weekS. --that's the end of thA ThoughT.
the concert wAs fun, the drummer is the best thing about that band, who knows about those other jokers but that drummer Carried the day, you all Know it's true. i would lIke someoNe to explain to me why they built a concert arena in such a pit of the valley with no easy way in or out? i miss wolf mountain.
Great i think that's all i have to say about that.
"i think winning employee of the month is a good example of being a winner and a loser at the same time." demitri martin
Sting is the
hottest 'fiftysomething' on the planet! That concert was on my top 2 list! Maybe it was my incredible seats!!! (that was just mean!)
Your are right, the drummer, Stuart Copeland, was AAAmazing.
okay, got to correct something. It's Stewart Copeland and his is 56 years old.
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