Ok, so the market has been a mess lately and so work has been pretty crazy. I guess we can be thankful at least we haven't had a major earthquake to make things even more hectic ;)
If you own stocks panicked and sold them 'shame on you!' You deserve to lose that money. What goes up must come down and vice versa. If you didn't know it this applies most of the time, “I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." Tolkien
Do you ever try to do to much but at the same time not enough?
I really, really dislike religion and the belief that some guy can tell me what I can and can't do in order to save my eternal soul. Um sure whatever can I have some kool-aid as well? Don't get me wrong most days I'm not ready to die but I'm sure glad I've done everything I have so when I do I don't think back and say to myself, "Man I would have liked to try that". Because it would suck to go into that nothingness/primordial soup/ everything and nothing, thinking man I wonder what Disneyland would have been like if I'd tried ??
Coffee what the hell is wrong with coffee? I have a cup every morning 5 days a week I don't think it's going to kill me. The drive to work might though, hmmmm
Guess what people you can't all be right all the time, All though I'm pretty sure I am ;)
Everyone keep an eye on Maude because her blog has some awesome music. I'm grooving to it right now. Wonder what it would be like to be the youngest instead of the oldest? Having people look up to you fundamentally changes your perception of reality and every choice you make. But then again apparently so does colored sugar water.
Vodka please!
Sorry I'm sure most of this didn't make any sense and that's ok. I needed to write it.
Amen, Maude's blog is probably my all-time favorite. I get all giddy when she sends out the notice that a new post has been posted!
Thanks for the update and for sharing pics! We gotta get these little cousins together soon!
So after going to the driving range here at the spectacular Coronado municipal course a total of 7 times in the past 6 weeks, I am ready to stand on the street with a cardboard sign "please play golf with a rookie, Me!" When will Max be ready to go with me??? Love the photos (but I think there should be more of me :)), music and commentary. Oh, and on the subject of this particular blog - I don't own any stocks but my motto has always been "Go Big or Go Home!" See ya at the Oregon game.
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