Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ho, ho, ho.....

ell excitement is building around the house as Christmas draws near. The wish list has been mailed and I don't know if even Santa will be able to deliver all that was asked for! --that's kind of an inside joke all Max asked for was a wand and a screwdriver. That being said he's getting a bit more than that I think Steph and I are more excited than he is for Christmas morning. Setting up gifts the night before and filming his reaction as he opens gifts will kind of be first for us since in the past he was a bit to young to understand exactly what was going on. Charge those video cameras.

With snow falling practically every day who needs a gym membership just go out and shovel twice a day. That being said it sure would be nice to find an indoor track somewhere nearby.

Fantasy football update, Steph and I are going against each other this week for the Superbowl. The only surprising thing about that is that I'm in the Super Bowl. In four years Steph has never not gone, with two first place finishes and one second, I'll keep you posted on how this fourth trip turns out for her.
Well I think that's about it, I'll get Christmas photo's up in the days following the holiday.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Passing time at work....

In case any of you are curious, sconecutter has the WORST coffee on the face of the plant. Coffee filtered through an old dirty shirt while camping tastes better. Their scones, filled with heavenly goodness, are delicious though. I am sitting here at work, 8:00 am on a Saturday, digesting one of these yummies.
Yesterday, Joe, Max and I traveled to the zoo to see the lights. They are quite fantastic. Max had a blast, running from one completely christmas light covered tree to the next. There were also light animals climbing trees and dancing, which apparently can handle grabing and shaking, which Max did with gusto. We ate deep fried smores, which are probably the strangest thing I have consumed. I don't really know if I liked it or not, but it sure sounds cool. Max is such a character, he ran almost the entire time, weaving in and out of people, yelling "excuse me." At least he is polite, right? When asked on the way home what his favorite part of the evening was, he responded "the rocks." Who knew that rocks strategically placed around a tree is better than a bazillon lights? Kids are great, such a different perspective on the world.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Half way there!

I am officially joining the blogging club!
I am now over half way through baking this little babe, 20 weeks 6 days to be exact. And for those of you who have seen my belly lately know that it is growing every day.
I have decided that we have the cutest little boy around. Yesterday when I picked Max up from daycare he ran over to me yelling Mommy! Mommy! with the biggest smile on his face. Oh, the warm fuzzy feelings I get from being a parent. He can do the littlest things to brighten my day. Later in the day I asked Max for a hug. He hugged me and then proceeded to squeeze my neck, saying "I am going to squeeze the stuffins out of you." Needless to say, I laughed so hard I almost cried. He is such a joy.
I am thrilled that the holiday season is here! Let the Christmas partying begin!